One random thought and really one random question...
1.) i promise promise promise that if/when i have kids that i will make them take swim lessons and I will not let them quit in 3rd grade because they don't like it - but mostly because they are afraid of the 180 year old swim instructor - who use to scream at kids "I don't swim in your toilet - so you better not pee in my pool." I promise this so that my children will not be as lowsey of a swimmer as i am... let's hope they get their father's genes when it comes to swimming...
2.) If you could quit your job and do anything in the world and get paid for it - what would you do?
#2 is easy! Run run run and run some more!
I would start some sort of coffee shop that lets you bring your dog and has a really rocking juke box.
Swimming from childhood has its perks when you decide in your twenties to be a triathlete. It's a good idea to get kids in the pool. Plus, then they can get good at swimming and hustle kids at the pool for candy during the summer. Not that I know any kids who would do that.
I'd be a fiction writer.
I'll probably get the boys in my parents pool as early as summer 2009. I'm afraid 7-8 months is a little too young to teach them to freestyle : )
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