Sunday, December 09, 2007

"There's a lot of people who would run in this shit, but i believe i am not one of them" Steve S.

Well I think Steve's quote sums it up. I was having the "to gym or not to gym" dilema today. I hate going to the gym - I know that strength training is necessary - but I just get no satisfaction out of lifting a heavy metal object repeatedly. What is the point - at least if you go for a run or for a ride - you get to go somewhere and see something. Guess that's part of the reason I loathe treadmills. (That and it's tough to run on one of those when you are the type of person who has trouble running in a straight line as it is!)
So anyway - i was having the internal diliema of to run outside in the cold or go to the gym and lift some rocks for awhile. Well i checked the weather channel. 32 degrees -- perfect! Still didn't want to get out there. So I stuck my head outside and realized it was pouring rain! So i decided to be a wuss and go to the gym. Maybe it was nature's way of telling me to get back to strength training. I was hoping that the temperature would drop the half of a degree necessary to turn the nasty rain into snow - but no such luck. So i went to the gym, got a good lift in and ran for about 30 minutes on the dreaded treadmill. I did some messed up version of an interval training workout. Not sure if it did much for me -- but at least it made the time go by faster. (mental note - look up some good treadmill workouts)
Oh and good news. Ever since I got my new shoes I have been having horrible arch and heel pain. And my toes have been falling asleep midrun. Well i was using a pair of less agressive arch supports - put the old more agressive ones in (even though they are worn down) and my feet did not fall asleep and my arches do not hurt. good thing - b/c i wasn't looking forward to taking any time off.


Mnowac said...

I feel the same way! I actually like lifting weights and feel good afterwards, but can't seem to fit it in b/c it just doesn't seem as useful as the other workouts I do! I also HATE the treadmill and stay away from it all winter if I can.

on another note - I can't come on Tuesday! I forgot that I signed up for a seminar at the Bike Authority - Nutrition for the Endurance Ahtlete. If you feel like running this weekend let me know. I will be there next Tuesday the 18th though! Got to get into those CTC runs so I can get super fast :)


Brian said...

You didn't get out early enough yesterday! However, I can imagine what Steve has to say about running at 6AM : )